Michael Moore Says Capitalism Is "Anti-Jesus," Warns Obama Over Donations (VIDEO)

Michael Moore included one detail in his latest film, "Capitalism: A Love Story," just for President Obama.
What is it? We know who's supporting you -- the employees of Goldman Sachs. They were the biggest private contributors to Obama's presidential campaign.
During an interview on ABC's Nightline with Terry Moran, Moore praised Obama for his rise to the White House, but made clear that he knows about the campaign contributions and he's on the lookout for special treatment.
According to the filmmaker, his previous work about subjects as varied as automakers and health care, relate to capitalism. Moore: "These are all spokes to the hub. And that hub is capitalism. And it's a system that's anti-American, meaning that it's anti-democratic."
Moore also said that capitalism is anti-Jesus and goes against the major religions. "It goes completely against the values of Jesus and Moses, and Mohamed and Buddha... You will be judged by how you treat the poor."
Watch Moore's message to Obama:

Watch Moore's comments about capitalism:

Michael Moore included one detail in his latest film "Capitalism: A Love Story," just for President Obama. What is it?: We know who's supporting you--the employees of Goldman Sachs. They were the bi...
Michael Moore included one detail in his latest film "Capitalism: A Love Story," just for President Obama. What is it?: We know who's supporting you--the employees of Goldman Sachs. They were the bi...

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