Bankers 'whacked' in arcade game

Target in Whack a Banker game
Players have to hit pop-up bankers with a mallet
An arcade game that allows people to vent their anger at bankers has proved so popular the owner keeps having to replace worn out mallets.
Inventor Tim Hunkin introduced "Whack a Banker", which is based on the older "Whack a Mole" game, at his arcade on Southwold pier in Suffolk.
Instead of players hitting pop-up moles with a mallet, within a set time, the target is pop-up bald figures.
Mr Hunkin said the game was "proving very popular".
"I keep having to replace worn-out mallets," he said.
"The bankers are bald and all look the same because that's how I think people see bankers, as faceless."
Players, who are promised a "truly rewarding banking experience", pay 40p to hit as many bankers as they can in 30 seconds.
When a customer wins a voice says: "You win. We retire. Thank you very much to the taxpayer for paying our pensions."

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